Tuesday 23 June 2015




It was like some other day after 12th class when you went to ICAI branch office with your friends or parents to buy your CPT form and then you got your CPT modules and thereafter you started taking baby steps towards your goal.
Beginning from CPT coaching, back to back classes and then exams in 2 installments.
Most of you might have cleared in 1-2 attempts and after that feeling of being on the top to clear one stage of Chartered Accountancy!!
After all the journey of thousand miles begins with a single step.
After that registration for IPCC ASAP, then deciding whether to go for single group or both?
Here you learnt new subjects like Taxation, Costing, Company law etc.
Managing own finance from travelling and conveyance expenses, tuition fee, restaurant bill, the nukkad chai/coffee, the mouth watering dosa centers during break times, taught you financial management ;)
And that was when you started checking the VAT, service tax etc on bills after attending tax classes. Remember? ;)
Real hurdles started after clearing IPCC, deciding which firm to choose.
Giving interviews, preparing CVs,trying to get into a good firm was all that you were looking for and that was the time you felt you have entered the “real world”. Isnt it? :’)
After starting articleship, it’s always difficult to work for like 7 hours a day initially. It feels like imprisonment but we get habituatated after few months.
Learning new work, working on tally and excel, chilling with co-articles, bunking audits ;) , hectic Septembers and march , begging for leave are few of the moments of articleship that most of you might have experienced (dummies excluded ;) )
The real challenge starts when you start classes for your Finals. Managing classes with office becomes so hectic that you get fully exhausted at the end of the day. In that period you must have felt like you go home only to sleep at night ;)
At some point, you might have felt like giving up but then the realization comes:
“Those who struggle while practice, don’t bleed in war”
After that the last stage, the preparation leave time where you have to forget everything and give your best. (Few clear in single shot while others clear gradually)
The examination days are the days where you have to be emotionally strong too. Revising everything in 1.5 days is no child’s play and keeping your nerve in examination hall is difficult as hell. But in those 3 hours you have to be at your best .
And Finally comes the “BIG DAY” : TODAY…the most awaited day when you people will be checking result site more than facebook and whatsapp ;) . The day when F5 key might break. ;)
And then the moment when “likely to be decalared” changes to “DECLARED”
Yes for some of you the journey of student life might come to an end today.
Life won’t be same now.
You will cherish this phase throughout your life no matter how much you curse it now.
For those who do not make it today,remember success is not the absence of failure .It is overcoming failure. Don’t take your failure to your hearts. CA is a part of your life not your whole life.
Today might be the day you always feared . This can be the day you always wanted to see very soon.
But promise to yourself that no matter what happens you will be same or better but in no case less than what you are.
Commit to be joyful and positive in life.
Believe that every case will make you stronger.
You will either learn to win or learn to face failure.
If you have survived this journey, you will definitely reach your destination.
It is only the courage to continue that counts.
CA is not a tough course .Its a course for tough people.
Lastly CA GROUPS wishes you all a very good luck .

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