Friday, 30 October 2015



Dear Respected Members,,
As we all know Central and regional council election are scheduled in Dec and you all are contesting for these Elections. First of all a very best of luck from my side. I just read manifestos of few of you . Few are promising jobs for young CAs while few were promising better administration, But some members are going 1 step Ahead by promising to regain lost Prestige of CAs .. Really we lost that ?????…
Most of you are promising almost same things and few promises will not even require a Central council or regional council position , So if you loose the elections, still you can fulfill those promises. Will you do that ???. & If you don’t then it means you only care for yourself and not the profession . All of you are using taglines that you all are committed towards profession, Then where is your commitment 1 Year back ??? Few members who fought election last time and lost disappears after loosing and suddenly becomes really active again while contesting in these election.. where were you during that period ??
I am receiving daily 20-25 messages and same amount of emails to support you all. But I have to choose one and I am not able to decide that to whom should I give my vote because there is nothing special that makes one better than other. Same old promises.. No blue Prints .. only manifestos. Why don’t you all send updates and wishes whole Year?.. these questions comes into mind of each and every young member. Arranging get together, sending mails & messages making whatsapp groups might not get you votes, Its your achievement and past dedication to profession which will help you to get success. You can not get success just by giving some freebies and other things
So coming to conclusion here is some points on which our CA GROUPS team need your commitment.
  • Will you continue to send updates and notification even if you loose election?
  • Will you continue these get together with young CAs.??
  • Will you continue to discover better opportunities with CA ??
  • Will you share blue print of your all promises once you win the election?
  • Will you be sorry if you are not able to fulfill election and will never contest for election ?
I have no personal grudges with any member. These are just some Questions that will come in mind of any voter and being a first time voter in these elections, Me and my friends want to vote for the best. Also our community CA GROUPS want to know who is the best as a person among you all.
So I hope you all will keep in mind above facts and do act wisely :)
ADMIN ( A young CA)

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