Wednesday 1 June 2016

CA V/S CS V/S MBA | What to choose ?

CA V/S  CS V/S  MBA | What to choose ?

A wise man once said – It’s a beautiful thing when a career and passion comes together. And it is really true, that one loves his or her career as passionately. When one loves what he does, he automatically gets inspired to better. So here we are , to present you with all relevant information regarding CA ,CS and MBA. So read this on and take up what you love.

CA (Chartered Accountancy)
CA is considered an epitome in commerce industry , where the passing percentage is very low as compared to any other relevant exams. The coursestructure is explained below
  • CPT (Common Proficiency Test) like entrance examination for CA course. The student is required to appear in CPT after appearing in HSC exam.
  • IPCC (Integrated Professional Competence Course) exam is to be taken after passing CPT examination.
  • Articleship is just like work andlearn experience, which has to be done under qualified CA. The period of such articleship is for 3 years. There is IT (Information Technology) course which has to be completed as well.
  • Final examination is the last stage of CA course after which the student will earn CA degree. There is a GMCS (General Management and Communication Skills) course which is prerequisite for obtaining CA degree.
Features :
  • Time consuming
  • High difficulty level
  • No official classroom coaching except for few classes
  • Prestigious due to high difficulty level
  • Better option in terms ofemployment opportunity.
  • Increased passing % as compared to historic % (10-15%)
  • In depth and advanced level for subjects covered like accounts , tax , audit etc.
  • Very cheap in terms cost of course as compared to MBA and similar courses
  • National Level exam hence results are comparable

CS (Company Secretary)
CS is the course ideal for those who wish to work with respect to compliances and legal framework. This course is also divided between three phases
  • Foundation program which is entry stage of the CS course
  • Executive Program is intermediate stage
  • Professional program is the final stage of the CS course , passing which will entitle the student of CS degree
  • Practical Training for15 months has to be completed before the student obtains CS degree.

Features :
  • Lesser time taken as compared to CA course
  • Various employment opportunities
  • Can be a bit monotonous if one is not interested in law
  • Very little exposure to practical subjects like account or costing
  • Very cheap as compared to MBA and similar courses
  • National level exams hence standard results

MBA (Master Of Business Administration)
MBA is most talked about course which is done as a single degree or even as an accompanying degree with other academic qualifications like engineering etc.
Features :
  • MBA courses are regular as well as distant learning course also.
  • Costs of the course depend upon the institution , direct learning or distance learning method , as well as location of the institute etc.
  • Morecostly as compared to CA and CS
  • Lesser time taken for completion of the course
  • No standard results as every institute has its own grading andsyllabus
  • Employment opportunityavailable for those with better institute degree, rather than better grades

As we have seen above , every course has its own benefits and its drawbacks.So it is pertinent to see whether a particular course is appropriate as per Aptitude of the student.

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