Friday 16 December 2016

NIDHI COMPANY Under companies act 2013 & Nidhi Rules 2014

NIDHI COMPANY Under Companies Act 2013 & Nidhi Rules 2014


Meaning of word “NIDHI”

The word Nidhi contains a meaning itself “wealth “.so under companies act 2013 or in 1956 the companies which are incorporated as a Nidhi company shall carry the business of lending and depositing the amount from and to their members

Definition under Companies Act 2013

Nidhi Company defined in companies’ act 2013 under section 406.
 In this section Nidhi means
Which has been incorporated as Nidhi with the object of cultivating the habit of thrift and saving amongst its members receiving deposits from and lending to its members only for their mutual benefit and which complies such rules as are prescribed by the central government for regulation of such class of companies
(Point to be considered – Nidhi Company can take deposits and give loan to their members only, and have to follow the rules guidelines issued by the central government time to time)
Central government may by notification direct that any provisions of this act shall not apply, or shall apply with such exception, modification and adaptation as may be specified in that notification to any nidhi and nidhi of any class or description as may be specified in notification
(Point to be considered – central govt. may allow exemption or modification on the applicability of the notification on Nidhi companies)
Every notification proposed to be issued shall be laid before the house of parliament while is in session .for a total no of 30 days which may be comprises of one session or in two or more successive sessions any such acceptance and modification in the notification shall be approved by both the houses 
(Point to be considered – the notification shall be approved or modified only if the house of parliament is in session).

Meaning of Nidhi Company under companies’ act 1956

Under section 620A of companies act 1956 means a company which   a central government by a notification in official gazette declare to be a Nidhi or a Mutual Benefit Society as the case may be.
(Point to be consideration – under companies act 1956 nidhi company is considered as a nidhi company only if it comes under the purview of the notification issued by a central government, but under companies act 2013 nidhi company   means a company which formed under sec 406 of companies act 2013 and   with the object to cultivating the habit of thrift and saving the money into their (members)

Process of formation of Nidhi company

The Requirements of formation of Nidhi Company:
  1. Name of the company
  2. 3 Directors
  3. 7 Members
  4. Minimum capital (10,00,000/- INR)
  5. Registered office
 Documents required:
 For the directors first need there DSC (digital signature certificate)
For this the application of DSC colored photo graph, pan card and a residence proof is mandatory
 After availing a DSC apply for the Director Identification Numberpursuant to section 153 of companies act and rule 9(1) of the companies’ appointment and qualification of directors
For this DIR -3 form has to be filed and the above mentioned document is required for the application of the Director Identification number too. For all the 3 directors
Application for name approval
  • After getting the Din No of all the directors application of Name Approval has to be filed with the registrar of companies in INC-1 pursuant to section 4(4) ofcompanies’ act 2013 and pursuant to rule 8 and 9 of companies’ incorporation rules 2014
  • Apply for 6 name according to the order of preference the most suitable name will be approved by the registrar of companies.
  • After the approval of the Name, THE MOA (memorandum of articles and the article of association) get drafted according to the rules mentioned in companies’ act 2013 and rules thereunder
  • And apply for the registered office under section 12(2) and (4) of the companies act 2013and rules 25 and 27 of the companies incorporation rules 2014 in INC-22
 After compiling all the steps Registrar of Companies will issue the certificate of incorporation in for inc-11 and the company will be registered with MINISTRY OF AFFAIRS.
While incorporating a Nidhi company the Following point should be consider  in mind:
Every Nidhi shall within a period of one year from the commencement of the rules ensure that it has:

Point to be consideration – Within The Incorporation Of One Year From The Date Of Incorporation Of The Nidhi Company It Has To Comply The Above Mentioned Criteria’s If It Is Unable To Comply All Of Such Above Mentioned Conditions Then It May Ask For An Extension From The Central Government But If It Is Not Able To Comply Within Such Period Of Extension It Will Ceases To Be A Nidhi Company .

Compliances for Nidhi Company

  1. Within 90 days from the close of the first financial year after its incorporation and where applicable , the second financial year  a nidhi company has to file a return of statutory return in a FORM –NDH-1 along with such fees as prescribed in (companies registration offices and fees) rules 2014  duly certified by the company secretary in practice or a chartered accountant in practice or cost accountant in practice
  2. If Nidhi Company unable to comply with the condition above mentioned it shall within 30 days from the close of first financial year apply to regional director in form NDH-2 along with the fees specified in companies (registration and fees ) rules 2014  for the extension time and the regional director may consider the application and pass orders within 30 days of receipts of application 
  3. A nidhi company covered under rule 2 shall file half yearly return with the registrar in form NDH-3 along with such fees prescribed in companies (registration and office)rules 2014  within 30 days from the conclusion of  each half year duly certified by the company secretary in practice or chartered accountant in practice or cost accountant in practice
Point for consideration:
NDH-1 is for the annual compliance of return that Nidhi Company fulfill          all of such conditions
NDH -2 is for the extension to the regional director if the company is unable to comply such conditions.
NDH-3 for half yearly compliance which a nidhi company has to file with the registrar of companies


  1. A Nidhi Company shall not carry any chit fund, hire purchase finance leasing finance insurance or acquisition of securities issued by any Body corporate
  2. Nidhi Company is not allowed to issue any kind of preference shares or any debt instruments by any name whatsoever.
  3. Nidhi company is prohibited to open any current account with its members
  4. Nidhi company is prohibited to do any compromise or arrangement or takeover unless it is passed by a Special Resolution in the General Meeting and also obtained the previous approval from the Regional Director having jurisdiction over such nidhi company
  5. Carry on any business other than the business of borrowing or lending in its own name :
Nidhi Company which follows above rules can provide a locker facility to their members on rent and subject to the rental income from such facilities not exceeding 20%of gross income of the nidhi at any point of time during the financial year.
  1. Nidhi company is prohibited to accept deposits or lend amount other than its members
  2. Pledge any of the assets lodged by its members as security
  3. Nidhi company is prohibited to take deposits or lend money to any Body corporate
  4. These companies are prohibited to enter into any partnership arrangement in its borrowing or lending activities
  5. Nidhi company prohibited to issue any advertisement in any form for soliciting deposits :
Private circulation of the details of fixed deposits schemes among the members of the nidhi carrying the words “ for private circulation of members only “ shall not be considered to be an advertisement for soliciting deposits .

Exemption Exceptions and Modification Applicable On Nidhi Company

S.noSections under companies act 2013EXEMPTION , MODIFICATION
1SECTION 20(2)IN  of nidhi companies the document may be served  Only on members who hold shares of more than 1%of the total paid up capital     
2Section 42 except section 42(1)private placement
3Section 47(1) (b)             no company shall exercise voting rights on poll in
4Section 62
Excess of 5%of total voting rights of equity shareholders issue of further share capital shall not apply on nidhi Companies

5Section 67(1) (restriction on purchase of Own shares by the company)
company from a member on his ceasing to be a Depositor or borrower and it shall not be considered as Reduction of capital under section 66 of companies act 2013

6Section 123(5)(declaration of dividend)shall apply  subject to the modification that any dividend payable in cash may be paid by crediting the same to the account of member if the dividend is not claimed within 30 days from the date of declaration of the dividend
Section 127(punishment for the failure
to distribute dividend                           
subject to the modification that  where the dividend amount is 100 rupees or less it shall sufficient compliance of the section if the dividend declaration is through the local language newspaper of wide circulation and announcement of the said declaration is displayed on the notice board of nidhi for last 3 months
Section 136(1) (right of members to copies           
     Of audited financial statement                      
this section apply with a modification that in the case of members who do not individually  or jointly hold shares of more than 1000 rupees in face value or more than 1% of the total paid up share capital whichever is less it shall be sufficient compliance for the provision of section if an intimation is sent by public notice in newspaper circulated in the district in which the registered office of the nidhi company is situated stating the date time and venue of annual general meeting be inspected at registered office of the company and the financial statement which enclosures are affixed in the board in the notice of the company and is entitled to vote either in person or through proxy
Section 160(right of the persons other the
Retiring directors to stand for directorship                                            
Word 100000 is substituted with 10000
10Section 185(loan to directors)A company can give a loan to  their directors or their relatives in the capacity as the member of the company is allowed and must be disclosed in the annual return of the company
Section 197( overall maximum managerial
Remuneration in case of absence or inadequacy of
This section with the modification that the remuneration of a directors  who is neither a managing director nor whole time director or manager for performing special services to the nidhi specified  in the article of association may be paid by way of monthly payment in the approval of the company in general meeting  and also to be the provision of section 197 :
Provided that no approval of the company in general meeting shall be required where
a)      A nidhi does  not have a managing director ,whole time director or a manager
b)     The remuneration does not exceed 10% of net profits of nidhi or 1500,000 whichever is lower  to all the directors
c)      The remuneration payable under clause (b) is approved by a special resolution passed in this behalf by the nidhi.

12.Section 403(Fee for filing etc.)
This  section will be applicable  with modification that the filing fees in respect of every return of allotment under sub section (9) of section  42 shall be calculated at the rate of one rupee for every one hundred rupees or parts thereof  on the face value of the shares  included in the return but shall not exceed the amount of normal filing fee payable



We Can Understand Nidhi Company Is a Company Which Can Be Incorporated Under SECTION 406 of company’s act 2013 with the object of cultivating the habit of thrift, saving a money. Many people have this myth that for the incorporation of Nidhi company, RESERVE BANK OF INDIA approval is necessary but no need to take an approval of RBI for the incorporation of Nidhi Company. 

The Author of This Article can be Reached at                                                                                                                        
Practicing Company Secretary


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  2. Good article on Nidhi Company..

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