Tuesday, 4 July 2017

Accounting Entries under GST

Accounting Entries under GST



Accounting Entries under GST

As GST is applicable from 1st July 2017, every employee from accounts department of every business has confusion regarding passing journal entries under the GST regime. We have also researched on google and found that users googled for accounting entries under GST in case of Inter State Sales, Accounting entries under GST in case of Intra State Sales, How to pass setoff accounting entries under GST regime, How to adjust IGST, SGST & CGST and many more search terms. So we have decided to post an article regarding accounting entries Under GST.
How to pass accounting entries under GST
Let us consider a few basic business transactions (all amounts excluding GST)
Example 1: Intra-state (i.e within State)
  1. Mr. X purchased goods Rs. 1,00,000 locally (intrastate)
  2. He sold them for Rs. 1,50,000 in the same state
  3. He paid legal consultation fees Rs. 5,000
  4. He purchased furniture for his office for Rs. 12,000
Assuming CGST @8% and SGST@8%
The entries will be-
1Purchase A/cDr 1,00,000.00 
 Input CGST A/cDr      8,000.00 
 Input SGST A/cDr      8,000.00 
 To Creditors A/cCr  1,16,000.00

2Debtors A/cDr 1,74,000.00 
 To Sales A/cCr  1,50,000.00
 To Output CGST A/cCr     12,000.00
 To Output SGST A/cCr     12,000.00

3Legal fees A/cDr      5,000.00 
 Input CGST A/cDr          400.00 
 Input SGST A/cDr          400.00 
 To Bank A/cCr       5,800.00

4Furniture A/cDr    12,000.00 
 Input CGST A/cCr          960.00 
 Input SGST A/cCr          960.00 
 To Ratti Ram & Garg Furniture ShopCr     13,920.00

Total Input CGST= 8,000+400+960Rs. 9,360
Total Input SGST= 8,000+400+960= Rs. 9,360
Total output CGST12,000 
Total output SGST12,000 
Net CGST payable= 12,000-9,360=2,640
Net SGST payable=12,000-9,360=2,640
5Output CGST A/cDr    12,000.00 
 Output SGST A/cDr    12,000.00 
 To Input CGST A/cCr       9,360.00
 To Input SGST A/cCr       9,360.00
 To Electronic Cash Ledger A/cCr       5,280.00

Thus due to input tax credit, tax liability of Rs. 24,000 is reduced to only Rs. 5,280. Also, GST on legal fees is also adjusted which was not possible in current tax regime.
If there had been any input tax credit left it would have been carried forward to the next year
Example 2: Inter-state (i.e from one state to another)
  1. Mr. X purchased goods Rs. 1,50,000 from outside the State
  2. He sold Rs. 1,50,000 locally
  3. He sold Rs.1,00,000 outside the state
  4. He paid telephone bill Rs. 5,000
  5. He purchased an air cooler for his office for Rs. 12,000 (locally)
Assuming CGST @8% and SGST@8%

1Purchase A/cDr 1,50,000.00 
 Input IGST A/cDr    24,000.00 
 To Creditors A/cCr  1,74,000.00

2Debtors A/cDr 1,74,000.00 
 To Sales A/cCr  1,50,000.00
 To Output CGST A/cCr     12,000.00
 To Output SGST A/cCr     12,000.00

3Debtors A/cDr 1,16,000.00 
 To Sales A/cCr  1,00,000.00
 To Output IGST A/cCr     16,000.00

4Legal fees A/cDr      5,000.00 
 Input CGST A/cDr          400.00 
 Input SGST A/cDr          400.00 
 To Bank A/cCr       5,800.00

5Furniture A/cDr    12,000.00 
 Input CGST A/cCr          960.00 
 Input SGST A/cCr          960.00 
 To Ratti Ram & Garg Furniture ShopCr     13,920.00

Total Input CGST= 400+960Rs. 1,360
Total Input SGST= 12,000 
Total output CGST= 400+960Rs. 1,360
Total output SGST= 12,000 
Net CGST payable= 24,000 
Net SGST payable=16,000 

Output Liability 12,000.00 12,000.00 16,000.00
Less: Input Tax Credit   
CGST   1,360.00  
SGST    1,360.00 
IGST   8,000.00  16,000.00
Amount Payable   2,640.00 10,640.00 NIL
Any IGST credit will first be applied to setoff IGST and then CGST. Balance if any will be applied to setoff SGST.
So out of total Input IGST of Rs. 24,000, firstly it will be completely setoff against IGST. Then balance Rs. 8,000 against CGST.
From the total Rs. 40,000, only Rs. 13,280 is payable.

 Setoff against CGST Output   
1Output CGST A/cDr   9,360.00 
 To Input CGST A/cCr    1,360.00
 To Input IGST A/cCr    8,000.00

 Setoff against SGST Output   
2Output SGST A/cDr   1,360.00 
 To Input SGST A/cCr    1,360.00

 Setoff against IGST Output   
3Output IGST A/cDr 16,000.00 
 To Input IGST A/cCr  16,000.00
 Final Payment   
4Output CGST A/c    2,640.00 
 Output SGST A/c  10,640.00 
 To Electronic Cash Ledger A/c   13,280.00

Rates taken of CGST, SGST and IGST are for illustrative purposes only. 
That’s all for Accounting Entries Under GST. Keep Sharing.

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