Monday, 31 July 2017

TOPIC 6: QUICK REFERENCE TO “Managing Director”

TOPIC 6: QUICK REFERENCE TO “Managing Director”

Quick Reference to " Managing Director" :-
Legal Provision:-
Section 2(54), 196, 203 of Companies Act, 2013.
1. Managing Director means a Director who is entrusted with Substantial Powers of Management.
2. Managing Director may or may not be considered as whole time employee of the Company.
3. The MD on his ceasing to be director will automatically cease to be the MD as well.
4. Managing Director much be director.
4. Form DIR-12 and MGT-14 is required to file with ROC.
5. Sometimes MD is also known as President, Chief operating officer.

6. A company shall not have both MD as well as Manager at the same time.
7. MD can be appointed through Board Resolution, General meeting Resolution, Agreement.
8. Basic administrative acts of routine nature are excluded from powers of MD.

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